Blog Managers' Post:"Today we had rest time. We read books and rested. We get to blog now and be line leaders. We get to be chair pusher-iners. Fingerpainting was good. We made our own bookmarks. We made animals of leaves with our big buddies. I made a deer. We writed a note for Ms. Laurel in the writing center." -Sam M.
"I made a mouse with my big buddy." -Patrick
Today, we picked our jobs for the week with our new job chart. Some of the jobs remained the same (door holder, bell ringer, etc.) but we also got new jobs to try out. We can now choose chair pusher, clean up manager, line leader and blog manager!

We started our bread unit today! To kick off our learning, we completed a KWL chart on bread. A KWL chart is a chart in which we list everything we
Know about bread and
What we want to know about bread. At the end of the unit, we will revisit the chart and list all we have
Learned about bread.

Here are some examples of things we know about bread:
1. Bread is sometimes brown, and sometimes white.
2. Some bread has seeds and some doesn't.
3. Tortillas are a type of bread.
4. We sometimes share bread.
5. Some bread is soft and some bread it hard.
Here are some ideas we want to discover about bread:
1. Why are there different types of bread?
2. What is bread made of?
3. How do you make bread?
4. Is there a type of bread with grapes in it?
We are readers in the dolphin classroom. We read books all day, everyday, and real readers often find they need bookmarks to mark their places in books they have not finished. Today, we used fall colors to try out our finger paints on pieces of paper we will later use as bookmarks.

We used sponges, too, to create different textures.

On Wednesday, we will finish our bookmarks by writing down one thing we are thankful for on our bookmarks and then laminating them so they will last a long time.
We also were visited by our buddies today. We read a book ("Leaf Man") about using the shapes of various leaves to make larger shapes in the form of animals. With our buddies we planned out animals we could build out of different leaf shapes. Today, we followed our plans to actually create our shapes out of pressed leaves.

"Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert

Bethany's plan.

Bethany's creation.

Everett's snake.

Sam's deer.