"We talked about flies. We sing-ed about them. This pretend girl-thing ate it and then she died. We went outside and we talked about fire. We were just practicing though. And we were pretending that there was a fire. We need to get out and go out there (across the street) for awhile until Ms. Shelley checks to make sure there is no fire." -Jelani and Ty
Today we continued our in-depth theme study of literacy. We practiced reading comprehension and memorization by singing There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly and using the felt board to put the felt animals into the old lady's belly.
We also continued to listen to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on the iPod. We follow along with the pictures and words and turn the page when we hear the chime.
We continue to practice our writing skills. In creative play, some of us decided that our restaurant was closed, so Sam R. used our alphabet sheets to write a sign that said "RST CSD" (restaurant closed). It is this sort of writing that is most meaningful to us and challenges to stretch our writing skills in an authentic manner!
In atelier, we continued our study of color. We used red (magenta) and blue (cyan) to make purple. We talked about the strokes we used and the affect different painting tools had on our paintings. We found out that we could make different hues of purple by adding more or less cyan or magenta.
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