Friday, April 23, 2010

April 19th-23rd

Students were busy at work this week during Classroom Centers. Students worked together to create a Butterfly Life Cycle poster for our classroom. Other students enjoyed exploring the new sand and paint centers. Some students (10 of the M/W/F boys) decided to write Ms. Shelly letters asking for her to purchase Legos for the Dolphin Classroom. Everyone also "published" their Butterfly Life Cycle Books this week. We were so excited to be scientific authors that we decided we should make Frog Life Cycle books next!

On Wednesday we had some special guest visitors, two farmers and a chef, come to teach us about composting and their circular relationship. One farmer grows vegetables and sells them to the chef. The chef then cooks the vegetables at his restaurant and saves up all the scraps. The chef then gives all his scraps to the other farmer, who does composting on a large scale. This farmer then gives the rich soil to the first farmer who adds it to his soil to grow healthy fruits and vegetables.
On Thursday we celebrated Earth Day! We started by joining the Sharks and Whales outside to sing "The Earth is Our Mother," a song about taking care of the Earth, Trees, Sky and Rivers. We then went on a Nature Walk with our big buddies and stopped to draw things we love about the Earth with sidewalk chalk on Pacific University's campus sidewalks. When we got back, we planted sunflowers in our garden.

We have been learning about animal habitats. This week in the Atelier, we worked together to paint a habitat mural for our classroom. We will be able to add animals and animal homes to our habitat mural as we learn about them.

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